Tree, Shrub, Lawn & Bed Care

Carson Landscape Industries will help you protect the health of your lawn, trees, shrubs, and beds. We provide the following treatments to prevent future problems and control current ones. Consult with a Carson Landscape technician to help determine the best treatments to protect your landscape investment.  

pink and yellow flowers close up

Tree and Shrub Care

tree inspection- man inspecting tree base
Photo deep root feeding
Deep Root Feeding
photo aphids
Rose Bud with Aphids

Merit Tree Injection: Control sucking insects that damage plants and cause the dripping of sticky honeydew on sidewalks, cars, and structures. Merit Tree injections prevent infestations of Aphids, Scale, Whitefly, Mealybugs, Lacebugs, and Lerp Psyllid. One annual application in January/February will control these pests for one season. 

Safari Drench Application: A Safari Drench is an insecticide applied directly to the trunk of the infected tree to help minimize the present activity of different borers and bark beetle species.

Fruit/Seed Prevention: Prevent the formation of messy fruit or seed pods on trees including Flowering Plum, Pear, Liquid Ambar, and Olive trees. When the treatment occurs during flowering, you can expect up to an 80% reduction in fruit formation.

Anthracnose: The application of a preventative fungicide controls Anthracnose, a common fungal disease of shade trees like Sycamore and Ash. It infects trees in the Spring and results in leaf spots, curling of leaves, and early leaf drop in the summer.

Deep Root Feeding: Provide trees with beneficial nutrients directly into the root zone with a high-pressure soil injection slow-release liquid fertilizer and root stimulant.

Insecticide/Fungicide Treatments: Prevent or control infestations of insects and diseases through foliar or soil drench applications of insecticides and fungicides. Control insects like Aphids, Mites, Whitefly, Mealybugs, Lacebugs, and Caterpillars. Target diseases like Leaf Spot, Leaf Blight, Powdery Mildew, and Root Rot.

Deep Root Watering: Performed on trees, Deep Root Watering involves an application of Yucca extract and water injected into the ground around the tree’s drip line. Yucca extract helps to retain moisture in the soil and clings to the roots, allowing them to retain water in areas within the landscape that receive minimal water.

Spider Mite Control: Spider mites are tiny insects that cause damage to trees and shrubs by piercing the leaves and sucking plant juices, causing leaves to discolor and look unhealthy. An application of miticide during the summer months controls spider mite damage.

Dormant Spray: An application of dormant oil and copper will help to control over-wintering insect eggs and fungus spores. This application can reduce the use of pesticides during the Spring and summer.

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Check out our Monthly Maintenance Calendar for handy reminders throughout the year.

Lawn and Bed Care

man examining grass roots

Lawn Fertilization: Fertilizer supplies minerals and nutrients lawns need to grow and thrive. It’s beneficial when applied at the right time and in the correct amount.

Insecticide/Fungicide Services: Lawns infested with turf-eating insects or fungus can make them unhealthy and appear to be dying. However, by timing insecticide and fungus applications, your lawn can flourish.

Grub Prevention:  Lawns infested with grubs first appear off-color and wilt rapidly in the hot sun. Untreated grubs will cause the lawn to die in large irregular patches. A preventative treatment minimizes the larvae population that feeds on the root system.  

Lawn Aeration: Aerating lawns give oxygen, water, and fertilizer access to grass roots and create a healthy environment that will help grass flourish.

Lawn Aeration with Overseeding:  Rejuvenate and restore the density of your lawn with a Fall Aeration and Overseeding treatment.

Bed Care:  Carson’s certified weed control technicians can slow down and help prevent pesky weeds. Applying a Pre- and Post-emergent at the correct time of year helps prevent weeds before they start growing and as they begin to emerge.


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